Click below for more info on classes & playgroups!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our December Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our local Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live and role model a healthy lifestyle while giving us the chance to get to know her better at the same time. December's mom of the month is Kris Montgomery (aka Ashley's mom)!
The Montgomery Family
Kris is a dedicated class Member- faithfully attending Stroller Strides classes 3-4 times a week and always giving 110% of her efforts! She is a kind and patient mom and a sweet thoughtful friend to all. Kris also writes for a local blog that reviews area parks (, is a big-time Hokie fan and a dedicated volunteer with the Raleigh Jaycees.

We asked Kris a few questions to get to know her better and this is what she told us....
Hometown: Stafford, VA
Education: B.S. in Business Information Technology and Minor in Math from Virginia Tech
Stroller Strides Member since: April 2012
Members of your Family: Husband, Bill; Ashley - 20 months, and Ripken the Boston Terrier - 6 years
Current/previous Career: I worked as a Business Analyst at NC Farm Bureau for 8 years before having Ashley.
What was your childhood ambition? To be the founder of the Women's NBA (knowing my amazing height might be a disadvantage, I at least realized I should work behind the scenes)
What does motherhood mean to you? To me it means being a positive role model and providing opportunities for them to have fun, be healthy, learn new things and feel safe.
What is the furthest you have been from home? Italy
What has Stroller Strides done for you? It's given me a great outlet to introduce Ashley to exercise (she's already obsessed with the exercise tubing). It's also been a great way to stay in shape while meeting amazing friends for both of us...this group is full of such fun, intelligent moms and neat kids, I don't know what we'd do without it!
What is your favorite exercise? It's gotta be the leg lifts or anything that works the booty and legs.
What is your proudest moment? When Ashley was born.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? My MacBook, cheese, the beach
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I got married on the most inconvenient day ever for our guests - it was a Monday, two days before Christmas in Blacksburg, VA (almost 10 yrs ago!).
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? After an inappropriate first response, he mentioned my generous, giving and dedicated nature.

Special thanks to Omega Sports (North Hills) for further honoring our 2012 Moms of the Month with $10 gift cards to the store!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our November Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our local Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live and role model a healthy lifestyle while giving us the chance to get to know her better at the same time. November's mom of the month is Mary Beth King (aka Caroline's mom)!

The King Family
Mary Beth has a big heart for community service locally and abroad and has served for the past year as our Plum Moms Club "Moms with a Mission" Coordinator. Under her leadership we've collected toiletries for local teens in foster care, cut shoes and collected funds for Sole Hope and we're just about to start our holiday season "Moms with a Mission" activity- a Pajama/Book drive!
But as much as we love participating in the community service projects that Mary Beth coordinates, the real reason we've chosen to honor Mary Beth this month is because of her most recent fitness accomplishment- completing the Triangle Autism Run Walk 5K on October 13th! This was Mary Beth's first completed 5K- the fulfillment of a long-time goal of hers- and we couldn't be prouder!

We've asked Mary Beth some questions to get to know her better and this is what she said...

Hometown: Greensboro, NC
Master's in Social Science Administration from Case Western Reserve University
Stroller Strides Member since: April 2010
Members of your Family: husband: Brandon, and daughter: Caroline
Current/previous Career: Kenya program coordinator for an international adoption agency; before beginning in the agency's Kenya program, I coordinated adoptions in Vietnam, Haiti and Nepal
What was your childhood ambition? To be a bagger at a grocery store (no aspirations of cashier... I liked the organization of the baggers!)
What does motherhood mean to you?
It is the hardest and most rewarding job I've ever had. I always wanted to be a mom (and I used to think I wanted ten kids!) and it has definitely lived up to all I thought it would be!
What is the furthest you have been from home? I made several work-related trips to Vietnam and absolutely loved it there! I can't wait to go back one day!
What has Stroller Strides done for you? So, so much... not only is the work out great, Caroline and I have both made such great friends. It has given me an outlet for adult conversation, a sound board for all the 'should my kid really be doing this' concerns, and it's fun!
What is your favorite exercise? Anything that works the upper arms!
What is your proudest moment?
In 2006, after finishing school and stalling on getting 'real jobs' my roommate and I did a Google search for 'volunteering in Africa', signed on with a UK-based group and spent 6 weeks in Nakuru, Kenya. We had an amazing time and fell in love with the country and the people we met. We came home and formed a non-profit organization ( that continues to work to support a children's center in Nakuru. In 2007, my mom and I made a second trip to Nakuru... and I cannot wait to one day go back and take Caroline to meet her "Kenyan family". 
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Target, travel and Diet Coke (I don't know what it says about me that those were the first 3 things that popped into my head!)
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique.
As much as I love to see other places, I'm a terrible traveler! I usually spend the pre-flight hours in the bar and immediately pop a few Tylenol PM once I'm in my seat... this means, however, that I generally arrive well-rested and excited to be there!
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? After first responding with "No, not touching that question," Brandon said, "Willingness to see the good in everyone, your sense of compassion and empathy, and watching you with Caroline. You're great at finding ways to make the day-to-day fun."

Thank you, Omega Sports (NH) for further honoring our Moms of the Month with $10 store gift cards!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October's Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our local Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle while giving us a chance to get to know her better at the same time. Without further ado, our October Mom of the Month is Jenny Solomon (aka Natan's mom)! Jenny was unanimously nominated by all of our Stroller Strides Instructors for this honor and her efforts and results are further evidence of how deserving she is!

The Solomon Family
 Despite juggling a work-from-home/stay-at-home-mom schedule and getting 2 older children off to school or camp each morning Jenny has been consistently meeting her fitness and weight loss goals by making healthy dietary choices and faithfully attending Stroller Strides classes, group 5K training runs and even running on her own. She's signed up for the City of Oaks 1/2 Marathon coming up later this fall and we have no doubt that she'll take this race in stride as well!

Jenny is always brimming with positivity and can often be overheard encouraging a fellow mom in their motherhood and fitness journey. And on top of that, she has a beautiful singing voice... a welcome accompaniment to our usual loud-but-less-than-harmonious vocal efforts in class!

We've asked Jenny a few questions to get to know her even better and this is what she said...

Dallas, Texas

B.A. Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Rabbinic Ordination, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem/New York
Doctorate in Counseling, Post-Graduate Center for Mental Health, New York

Stroller Strides Member since:
April, 2012

Members of your Family:
Eric (husband), Meirav (9 1/2), Adi (7 1/2), Natan (7 mo.)

Current/previous Career:

What was your childhood ambition?
Rabbi, OB/GYN, or a News Anchor 

What does motherhood mean to you?
Being a mom is the greatest privilege of my life.  The gift of bringing three beautiful souls into this world and giving them roots and wings is my deepest joy. I believe my role as their mother is to create the space for them to grow into the best people they can be— to nurture their strengths and help support them in facing their challenges. My job is to give them unconditional love as well as sufficient boundaries so that they can  function successfully in the world and contribute their unique gifts. I hope and pray they will leave the world better than they found it and find ways to be of service as instruments of peace and justice.

What is the furthest you have been from home?
I have been fortunate to travel all over the world from Brazil to China to Australia, but my most special experience abroad was living in Jerusalem for three years.

What has Stroller Strides done for you?
We waited a very long time for Natan to arrive and I consider it an incredibly precious gift to be his primary caregiver. Being able to exercise and care for Natan at the same time is a privilege I never take for granted. I also love exercising outside— regardless of the weather. Being outside is good for my soul and Natan loves it (most of the time).

What is your favorite exercise?
Running (by myself) and Stroller Strides!

What is your proudest moment?
The experience of giving birth to each of my children are by far my proudest moments. Each birth was totally unique, but I remember the distinct feeling after each of them were born that there was nothing I couldn't do if put my heart and soul into it.

What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)?
I treasure my relationship with my sister-friends (all of whom live outside of Raleigh), yoga and meditation, and leading meaningful prayer services.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. 
In addition to concentrating in Judaic Studies, I spent a good part of my high school and college years devoted to education and taught in Girls Clubs in South Dallas, public schools in Harlem and Washington Heights (in NYC), and ran a drop-in day camp for two summers in the South Bronx.

If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say?
My husband is my biggest fan (next to my kids and parents), so when  I asked him this question and he described me as:  "Beautiful. Spiritual. Intellectual. Loving. Devoted Ema (mother). Beloved friend."

Special thanks to our friends at Omega Sports for further honoring our Mom of the Month with a $10 store gift card!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

5 Reasons to Train for a 5K with Stroller Strides

  1. Running is a great workout! It burns calories, improves heart health, and relieves stress- all while toning and shaping up!
  2. It is do-able! A 5K is 3.1 miles= a very realistic goal. Even the busiest moms can fit in the training which is often 3-4 days/week for 20-40 minutes at a time. 
  3. Motivation to persevere! Having a training schedule and the accountability of a coach and fellow runners will get you out the door and running even on your lowest-energy day.
  4. Start a habit. Spend 8 weeks training with group runs and on your own and you’ll find that before you know it- you are a runner! Once you make running and exercising a habit you won’t want to stop.
  5. The Stroller Strides running programs are the only race training programs in the Raleigh area designed specifically for moms and they are about helping moms achieve their running goals!
For more info on a training near you:

Southwest Raleigh/Apex Training:, 888-389-0701

Midtown/North Raleigh Training:, 888-760-0142

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My 5K Training Experience- Fall 2011

Our Midtown Moms on the Run 5K training program is gearing up to start again on August 20th! This will be our 3rd time offering the program and we can't wait to see some of you cross the finish line for the very first time!

In honor of this exciting program I (Missy) am going to share my experience as a participant (yes- that's right, the teacher became the student!) in the Midtown Moms on the Run 5K program last fall (2011). There are a few things you need to know about me. The first is that I love to exercise- but I strongly dislike distance running. I used to joke that the only time I ran was if something big and scary was chasing me and I was generally referencing an opponent on my high school field hockey and lacrosse teams. The second thing you need to know is that in mid-August of 2011 I had arthroscopic knee surgery for a torn meniscus. I was bound and determined to be back teaching Stroller Strides by the 4 week post-op mark and I did it! But boy- did my cardio suffer while I rehabbed that knee. And in truth it had been suffering all summer as I limped through class getting ready for my surgery. So with the goal of increasing my stamina, speed, and overall desire to go for a run- I decided to participate in our inaugural 5K training program and this is my story...

Our 5K program started in early October with a great 1 mile run/walk at Shelley Lake with kiddos along for the ride in their strollers. Even though it was a short run it gave me the confidence I needed to make it through the rest of the program as we gradually increased the duration and distance of our running over the following 8 weeks. As the program progressed I found myself reading about and trying out new running form. I downloaded the RunKeeper App on my new iPhone and became a distance and speed tracking nerd! I even braved the treadmills at the YMCA (which I had always found to be ultra boring) and loved switching my usual stroller-pushing outdoor run with an easy, flat, cushioned, solo run every once in a while. I had just one physical set-back during the program when in a moment of stupidity, I attempted to retrieve my fallen iPhone while still running on the treadmill and was launched off the back. Despite a bruised and scraped up shin (on my post-op leg no less) I soldiered on and decided that next time I would turn the treadmill off before trying to retrieve anything that fell.

As the weeks went by and the weather turned chillier I found myself enjoying our Saturday runs on the Capital Greenway the most. I loved to layer up and slip out of the house by myself for a group training run. Amazingly, running felt like such an indulgence! The pavement seemed to pass under my feet as I ran alongside other chatty moms like myself. My speed increased as I learned how to be a more efficient runner. My stamina increased and I was able to run for 4+ miles- and enjoy it! My confidence increased and I approached our goal race, The Jingle Bell Run, with the goal of finishing in under 30 minutes.

Team Stroller Strides at the Jingle Bell Run 2011

I'm happy to say that I achieved my goal that chilly December morning- wearing a ridiculous snowman hat, knee-high red snowflake socks and a jingle bell of course! I loved being a part of the program and I don't think I would have made such a speedy and fun recovery from my surgery if I had attempted a 5K training program on my own.

No matter what your motivation is or what your goals are- if you're thinking about signing up for our 5K program YOU SHOULD DO IT! Here is a link to the program details for THIS fall's program- feel free to share with friends, spouses, neighbors, and other family members:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our August Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one our of Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. Our August Mom of the Month is Joanne Cross, aka Hartley and Reagan's mom (pictured below with her whole family)!

Joanne first started Stroller Strides class with us when she was a mom of one beautiful little girl. She stuck with us (as her health allowed) through her 2nd pregnancy, took a brief maternity leave, and has been back in class for months pushing both girls in a double jogger!

Lots of obstacles stand in the way of new moms and moms of multiple children getting to class but Joanne doesn't let late sleepers, feedings, diaper blow-outs, tantrums or anything else keep her from class- even if it means arriving a few minutes late! Many of our Stroller Strides moms recently delivered or are expecting baby #2 this fall and we hope they'll find Joanne's efforts and results inspiring! Thanks, Joanne, for being such a great role model to your family and to our Stroller Strides community!

We asked Joanne a few questions to get to know her better and this is what she said: 

Hometown: Oakland, NJ
Education: BA at UNC Wilmington
Stroller Strides Member since: Feb 2011
Members of your Family: husBrennan, Hartley (23 months), Reagan (6 months), Vegas (lab/great dane mix) and Bella (westie)
Previous Career: Attorney Recruiter
What was your childhood ambition? I wanted to be a vet for only healthy animals or a stay at home mom.
What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood means doing everything I can to raise smart, happy, healthy & kind individuals. Being a mother is my absolute dream come true and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
What is the furthest you have been from home? The Greek Islands
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Just getting out the door in the mornings is a challenge but I realized that even if I arrive late, 45 minutes of exercise is better than none! Stroller Strides not only gives me a great workout but I really enjoy spending time with all of the other wonderful moms and love that my girls get to socialize with their kids after class too. Stroller Strides really gets our day started off right & I feel so much stronger both physically and mentally because of it.
What is your favorite exercise? I like 5 Little Monkeys or any of the strength/toning exercises with the bands.
What is your proudest moment? Giving birth to my 2 beautiful girls without drugs. This was not by choice! I arrived at the hospital an hour and a half before delivering Hartley & only half an hour before delivering Reagan.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Traveling, going to the spa, reading People magazine on the beach.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I met my husband playing blackjack in Las Vegas. A year and a half later, my husband proposed to me playing blackjack in Vegas!
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Brennan said that my best quality was being a very good mommy:) That is the best compliment I could ever ask for!

We owe a special thanks to our North Hills Omega Sports store for further honoring our Moms of the Month with a $10 store gift card!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our July Mom of the Month

Christina Kochuba and Family

Our Mom of the Month program offers us the opportunity to honor one of our dedicated Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle while getting to know her better at the same time. Our July Mom of the Month is Christina Kochuba (aka Eva's mom)!

Christina works diligently towards her fitness goals by attending classes at least twice a week and always with a smile. She has also been known to run between stations during class to increase the intensity of her workout and we love seeing her go after her goals with such energy and dedication!

We asked Christina a few questions to get to know her better and this is what she said:
Hometown: I am from Hickory, NC.
Education: I went to the University of Dayton for undergrad and I went to Appalachian State University for my Masters in Family and Consumer Science. I am now a Registered Dietitian.
Stroller Strides Member since: October 2011
Members of your Family: My husband- James and daughter -Eva who is 15 months old.
Current/previous Career: My last job was as a Dietitian for the UNC Eating Disorders Program.
What was your childhood ambition? I wanted to be marine biologist, astronaut or librarian.
What does motherhood mean to you? Love - I love being a mom to Eva. No matter how exhausted I may get, my heart melts just seeing her smile.
What is the furthest you have been from home? I used to live outside Frankfurt, Germany.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Physically, I have become stronger and toned since having a baby. I have met great women and kids who are both fun and supportive.
What is your favorite exercise? Any exercises with abdominals. Those exercises really work!
What is your proudest moment? When the doctor placed Eva in my arms after labor. I was both shocked and proud that I actually gave birth to such a perfect little angel.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Reading, traveling and cooking.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I won a hula hoop contest a couple years ago at Croaker Festival in Oriental, NC.
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Loyalty, thoughtfulness and caring.

Thank you to Omega Sports for further honoring our Moms of the Month with $10 gift cards to the store!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our June Mom of the Month

Lindsay & Family- Photo courtesy of Mason Dee Photography
Our Mom of the Month program offers us the opportunity to honor one of our dedicated Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle while getting to know her better at the same time. Our June Mom of the Month is Lindsay Blackburn (aka Graham's mom)!
Lindsay is a faithful class attendee (despite rehabbing a shoulder injury) and a sweet friend to all she encounters. She has also agreed to serve as a 3rd Playgroup Captain (serving alongside co-Captains Amy & Krista). Welcome aboard, Lindsay! We all look forward to the fun things you've got in store for the playgroup this summer and fall!
We asked Lindsay a few questions to get to know her better and this is what she said...
Hometown - One of the few people from Raleigh, NC! Never thought I would live in Raleigh after college, but my internship was here which led to my first job. After traveling with work a lot I grew to love and appreciate Raleigh and can't imagine living anywhere else.
Education - BSBA Accounting from Appalachian State University
Stroller Strides Member since - September 2011
Members of your Family - Husband of almost 7 years - Casey, Graham (2 years old), JD the cat, Tuscan and Moose the rabbits!
Current/previous Career - CPA, first in public accounting and later in industry. Neither was much fun!
What was your childhood ambition? President of the United States or CEO of a major corporation. Seriously.
What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood is something I had always wanted and had to wait a while for, but it has been worth the wait. It is more rewarding and challenging than I could have ever imagined. I have a whole new respect for my parents since Graham is just like me as a child! Thank goodness they never left me somewhere because I now know just how tempting that may seem some days! Even on the worst day I can't imagine doing anything else. What is the furthest you have been from home? Hawaii and Europe, I think about equally far from here in opposite directions.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? I am wearing shorts again!! I can also run more than I ever thought I could and actually enjoy it. Stroller Strides is really the only way I can fit exercise into my day now and I love coming to class. It has done so much for Graham too. He was such a shy and clingy little guy before we started and it is a joy to see him make friends and come out of his shell a bit. I love having so many new friends to chat with each day. I was getting pretty lonely at home all day and didn't have many mom friends before joining Stroller Strides.
What is your favorite exercise? Anything for my arms, sometimes legs and never abs.
What is your proudest moment? It used to be passing the CPA exam on the first try, but now it is giving birth with no drugs!
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Photography, crafts/building things, anything made with lots of sugar.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I have two pet rabbits that have their own bedroom in my house! I am also a House Rabbit Society educator, am the head rabbit volunteer and educator at the SPCA and organize the house rabbit meetup group! Before Graham, I used to foster rabbits as well and would have up to 8 rabbits in my house at one time! And no it didn't smell. I fostered a mom and her 6 babies which was a lot of work, but an amazing experience.
Casey calls me the crazy rabbit lady.
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? When I asked him he sat for a long time thinking and came up with selflessness (giving), ingenuity (crafty), maternal instinct (good mom) and independent. I am pretty sure he was just trying to think of a big words. I added my interpretations in parenthesis after asking him to explain!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Our May Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle while letting us get to know her better at the same time. Our May Mom of the Month is Krista Welty (aka Caiden's mom). 

The Welty Family

Krista is a faithful attender at our Shelley Lake class location, serves as one of our hard-working (volunteer!) Playgroup Captains and is a great role model for healthy living for Caiden! A former science teacher, Krista even provides the occasional impromptu science lesson during class and we all learn a little something new about the beautiful world around us. Thanks for all you do to help make our classes and playgroups so special, Krista!

We asked Krista a few questions to get to know her better and this is what she said:

Hometown : Long Beach, CA
Education: BS in Biology
Stroller Strides Member since: July 2010
Members of your Family: Chris, Caiden and me
Current/previous Career: High School Biology Teacher
What was your childhood ambition? I wanted to be a veterinarian.
What does motherhood mean to you? Not sweating the small stuff, enjoying your kids, making sacrifices.
What is the furthest you have been from home? Mykonos, Greek Isles 
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Made exercise fun!
What is your favorite exercise? Abs.
What is your proudest moment? Graduating from college.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Books, ice cream, afternoon naps
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I can swim 50 feet underwater on a single breath... Well, I used to but haven't tried it in a long time. 
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Smart & caring.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Our April Mom of the Month

Every month we take a moment to honor one of our Stroller Strides moms for their efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle while also getting to know her better at the same time! This month our Mom of the Month is Ann Clark (aka Kade's mom)!

The Clark Family

Ann is a sweet, funny mom of an active 2 1/2 year old little boy and she is just a blast to hang out with! She always has an amusing motherhood anecdote and a smile to share with everyone close-by. Ann is a regular attender at Stroller Strides classes and Plum Moms Club playgroup activities and when I polled our Instructor team for nominations for this month's Mom of the Month- they all unanimously nominated Ann! We're all impressed by your efforts to get and stay fit, Ann, and we love having you around!

We asked Ann a few questions about herself and this is what she told us:

Hometown: So unfamiliar to all of you- Bulacan, Philippines
Education: BS in Nursing- Class of 1999
Stroller Strides Member since: June 2012
Members of your family: My loving hubby Kurt, our lil' man Kade, and my awesome stepson Zane
Current Career: Housewife and I'm loving it!
What was your childhood ambition? I really wanted to be a flight stewardess (flight attendant). That's what I tell anyone who asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up because on TV they always looked pretty with make-up and those fancy looking clothes (yayy!) and went to different places all over the world! Exciting!
What does motherhood mean to you? It is the bet thing that ever happened in my life (well, besides getting married to my wonderful husband).
What is the furthest you have been from home? Being here in the US for only 2 years. I still consider the Philippines my home so I'd say its the United States.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Amazing things, are you kidding me?! You guys are awesome. Besides getting my body in shape and my son getting to socialize, it is a big help that I get to talk to all of the wonderful moms on just about everything about motherhood, raising a toddler, places to go, etc.
What is your favorite exercise? Anything dealing with my belly!
What is your proudest moment? I think it was when Kade was born. I had him at 30 when I thought I would never be able to have a baby. I am so proud each day that goes by and he is safe with me, so proud when he first learned how to count. All of his milestones are precious and the proudest moments of my life.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family)? Stroller Strides!!!, apple strudel (from Costco), and I loooove clothes and shoes!!!
Tell us something about yourself that would suprise us or that makes you unique. Ah, maybe that I'm a worry freak!!!
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? That I have a big heart and care about people and that I'm the best wife =)

Omega Sports has generously donated $10 gift cards to further honor our Moms of the Month- visit them at North Hills, Crossroads or in Durham!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Our March Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program offers us the opportunity to honor one of our dedicated Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle while getting to know her better at the same time. Without further ado, our March Mom of the Month is Annie McGinn (aka Patrick's mom)!

Annie & family

Annie is a dedicated Stroller Strides mom- often attending class 4-5 times per week. She is always full of smiles for Patrick and the moms and kids around her and consistently strives to challenge herself during our workouts. Thank you, Annie, for setting such a wonderful example for our group and for being such a sweet friend.

We asked Annie a few questions and this is what she said:
Hometown: Cumming, Georgia
Education: BS in Business Management from Appalachian State University
Stroller Strides Member since: August 2011
Members of your Family: Ryan (hubs), Patrick (babe), Lucky (pup)
Current/previous Career: I was in sales for a staffing company & then I owned a stationery company.
What was your childhood ambition? To be a cake decorator at the grocery store. Seriously.
What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood has made me feel like I've found my place in the world. Nothing I've ever done in the past has fulfilled me more than being a Mom.
What is the furthest you have been from home? Antarctica...just kidding. San Francisco.
What has Stroller Strides done for you? Stroller Strides has given me everything I need in a convenient, one hour time slot. I get my exercise, my socializing, & my mental clarity, plus I love getting to watch Patrick interact with his SS friends. I was just thinking about what I would do at home in the mornings without SS and it seriously made me scared. I only have enough creativity for 3 hours a day, and that has to last me from the end of nap time to dinner. I also love that I'm setting a good example for Patrick to lead a healthy lifestyle.
What is your favorite exercise? Even though I always get sore, I really love standing on the band & stepping side to side. It's instant gratification/pain.
What is your proudest moment? Besides becoming a Mom, running the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle 8K six months after having back surgery in less than 50 minutes.
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? In no particular order: driving on a crisp fall day with all of the windows down and the heat on, listening to my parents tell stories about when they were little, and macaroni & cheese
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique. I'm pregnant! :-) I've never had a Big Mac or a sip of coffee.
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? Ryan said my sense of humor, but he was really tired when I asked him because he forgot to say that I'm the most amazing wife and mother in the universe and that he'd be lost without me.

Congratulations Annie & family on your big news and thanks for being you!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Febuary Instructor Spotlights: Meet Christianna, Megan & Cindi!

Since November of 2011 we have welcomed 3 new Instructors to our Stroller Strides of Midtown Raleigh team and we're excited to formally introduce them to you!

Christianna Campbell
Christianna grew up in Raleigh and participated in sports her entire life- playing soccer and tennis and being a member of swimming and diving teams. She went to UNC-CH where she was an athletic trainer then earned Masters in Physical Therapy at ECU. She worked as an athletic trainer for pro soccer team in Hawaii (neat fact-one of her players won the tv show Survivor (Ethan Zohn)).

She and her husband, John, lived in Florida for the past 10 years before moving back to Raleigh last year. They have a 2 year old daughter named "Caroline" and a baby boy due this month!

Christianna and John enjoy doing triathlons and she has a 1/2 and full Ironman (2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike and 26.2 mile run) under her belt already. She loves anything outdoors: hiking, biking running, camping... and is a great addition to our team!

Megan Dosmann
Megan grew up in Southern California and moved to Chicago with her family during her Junior year of high school. In 2001, she graduated from the University of Illinois and has worked as an Occupational Therapist ever since.

She and her husband, Greg, were married in 2007 and welcomed their daughter, Avery Camryn, into their lives in September of 2009. Megan and Avery began attending Stroller Strides Chicago when Avery was just 7 weeks old where they made lots of good friends and enjoyed exercising together!

Megan, Greg, and Avery moved to Raleigh in January 2011. Before they even moved to Raleigh, Megan was beyond excited to learn that there was a Stroller Strides here too...they joined as soon as their BOB stroller arrived on the moving truck and have been consistent members since.

On February 2, 2012 (Groundhog's Day) they welcomed their second daughter, Brooke Danielle, to their family. Megan says, "I can't wait to spend time with my daughters while teaching them that exercise can be fun! Stroller Strides has been life changing for me and I look forward to giving back!"

Cindi Michaelson
Cindi was born and raised in a small town south of Rochester, NY. Prior to moving to Raleigh, she attended LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY with a major in Psychology and a concentration in Biology.

After college, she moved to Raleigh where her sister was living and only stayed for about 5 months because the world was calling!! She set out on a travel adventure that lasted 3 months. Her travels brought her to places such as England, Thailand, Bali, Australia, New Zealand and the Cook Islands. She actually flew around the world!

Once back in the States, she worked for a short time in Syracuse and then decided to move back to Raleigh. In 2006, while celebrating St. Patrick's Day at the Hibernian Pub, she met her husband, Mark. They were engaged on their 4 month anniversary and married by their 8 month anniversary!

On May 31, 2010 they welcomed Livvy Claire Michaelson into their lives! Cindi and her family currently live near Five Points in a small house that they completely renovated (doing the majority of the work themselves). As a family they enjoy traveling, time with friends and family, trying new restaurants, going to the NC Farmers Market and exercising. Cindi and Mark are currently training for our first half marathon!

Though Cindi has experience working in the non-profit sector and corporate America- her passion has always been fitness and health with a focus on pre and post natal women. Along with her new certification as a Stroller Strides Instructor she is also working toward being a certified Childbirth Educator. She says "I am so excited to be part of the Stroller Strides team and it is a pleasure getting to know all of you!"