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Monday, November 5, 2012

Our November Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month program honors one of our local Stroller Strides moms for her efforts to live and role model a healthy lifestyle while giving us the chance to get to know her better at the same time. November's mom of the month is Mary Beth King (aka Caroline's mom)!

The King Family
Mary Beth has a big heart for community service locally and abroad and has served for the past year as our Plum Moms Club "Moms with a Mission" Coordinator. Under her leadership we've collected toiletries for local teens in foster care, cut shoes and collected funds for Sole Hope and we're just about to start our holiday season "Moms with a Mission" activity- a Pajama/Book drive!
But as much as we love participating in the community service projects that Mary Beth coordinates, the real reason we've chosen to honor Mary Beth this month is because of her most recent fitness accomplishment- completing the Triangle Autism Run Walk 5K on October 13th! This was Mary Beth's first completed 5K- the fulfillment of a long-time goal of hers- and we couldn't be prouder!

We've asked Mary Beth some questions to get to know her better and this is what she said...

Hometown: Greensboro, NC
Master's in Social Science Administration from Case Western Reserve University
Stroller Strides Member since: April 2010
Members of your Family: husband: Brandon, and daughter: Caroline
Current/previous Career: Kenya program coordinator for an international adoption agency; before beginning in the agency's Kenya program, I coordinated adoptions in Vietnam, Haiti and Nepal
What was your childhood ambition? To be a bagger at a grocery store (no aspirations of cashier... I liked the organization of the baggers!)
What does motherhood mean to you?
It is the hardest and most rewarding job I've ever had. I always wanted to be a mom (and I used to think I wanted ten kids!) and it has definitely lived up to all I thought it would be!
What is the furthest you have been from home? I made several work-related trips to Vietnam and absolutely loved it there! I can't wait to go back one day!
What has Stroller Strides done for you? So, so much... not only is the work out great, Caroline and I have both made such great friends. It has given me an outlet for adult conversation, a sound board for all the 'should my kid really be doing this' concerns, and it's fun!
What is your favorite exercise? Anything that works the upper arms!
What is your proudest moment?
In 2006, after finishing school and stalling on getting 'real jobs' my roommate and I did a Google search for 'volunteering in Africa', signed on with a UK-based group and spent 6 weeks in Nakuru, Kenya. We had an amazing time and fell in love with the country and the people we met. We came home and formed a non-profit organization ( that continues to work to support a children's center in Nakuru. In 2007, my mom and I made a second trip to Nakuru... and I cannot wait to one day go back and take Caroline to meet her "Kenyan family". 
What are three of your favorite things (besides your family!)? Target, travel and Diet Coke (I don't know what it says about me that those were the first 3 things that popped into my head!)
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or makes you unique.
As much as I love to see other places, I'm a terrible traveler! I usually spend the pre-flight hours in the bar and immediately pop a few Tylenol PM once I'm in my seat... this means, however, that I generally arrive well-rested and excited to be there!
If we asked your spouse what they think your best qualities are, what would they say? After first responding with "No, not touching that question," Brandon said, "Willingness to see the good in everyone, your sense of compassion and empathy, and watching you with Caroline. You're great at finding ways to make the day-to-day fun."

Thank you, Omega Sports (NH) for further honoring our Moms of the Month with $10 store gift cards!