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Monday, December 20, 2010

The 12 Days of (Christmas) Exercises: #10

Today is day #10 in our 12 Days of (Christmas) Exercises series. Today's exercise, that works the entire shoulder girdle, is Arm Circles.

To perform arm circles, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms straight out to the sides (palms up) so that your body forms a "T". Soften your knees, pull your abdominal muscles in tight, and roll your shoulders back and down. Start with by making small circular motions (slow and controlled) with both arms. You can increase the resistance by holding small dumbbells or household items (such as canned goods or water bottles) in each hand.

Do 20-50 circles and then change your circle direction and repeat. For the next set, turn your palms down and do two sets of arm circles (one forward, one backward) to work the muscles in a different way.

Please do not attempt this if you have not yet been cleared by your physician to exercise.

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