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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Post-Pregnancy Challenge #10: Baby Blues

I've taken a 2 week hiatus from writing about "Post-Pregnancy Challenges" because I really wanted to do this topic justice and I just couldn't focus on it until now.

I don't have a deep personal story about postpartum depression- and for that I am SO thankful. What I can tell you is that after Monty was born I experienced what is commonly known as the "baby blues" and I'm not alone- it affects up to 80% of new moms within the first 3 weeks of having a baby. I cried for no reason, felt overwhelmed by new motherhood, and worried anxiously about every ounce gained and lost by my new baby, among other things. Sound familiar?

Up to 20% of new moms experience more severe symptoms (than those associated with the baby blues) of depression, anxiety, and worry. And an even smaller percentage may experience an even more serious mood disorder that includes obsessive, panicked behavior and possibly even psychosis. If this is what you're feeling then please get help. If you've entertained thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby- please get help NOW! Call your OB's office and tell them you need to be seen as soon as possible for postpartum depression. If you need even more urgent help call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Unsure if you need to seek help? If your symptoms interfere with your daily activities, disrupting your ability to sleep or eat, or if you are feeling hopeless or helpless then it is time to contact your doctor.
**Please also note the following resources at the end of this post.

More severe forms of postpartum depression require medication and therapy. But what can you do if you got a case of the relatively mild and very common baby blues? Here are some tips from Stroller Strides Founder, Lisa Druxman:

1. Chronic sleep deprivation and sheer exhaustion don't help- so nap when your baby naps and ask a family member or friend to take over the childcare for a few hours so you can get some uninterrupted rest.

2. Exercise! It has natural mood-boosting effects!

3. Get out of the house and socialize with other moms and babies. Find a moms group near you and get involved- try a Luna Moms Club playgroup, MOPS, or search for moms groups on Even better when you can get your socializing and your exercising in at the same time at a Stroller Strides class!

4. Make nutritious food choices- fruits, veggies, and lean proteins!

*Your doctor's office, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room
*In Raleigh: contact the Moms Supporting Moms group
*Elsewhere in the US: use the website at Postpartum Support International to search for a contact near you

If you have a story to share about your experience with this topic please feel free to comment- your experience may provide the glimmer of hope another reader desperately needs today!

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