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Monday, June 28, 2010

Post-Pregnancy Challenge #2: Aching Back

Is it me or does this kid just keep getting heavier? Don't get me wrong- its a good thing! The first few months of his life I agonized over every ounce he gained or lost and fought to get him back to his birth weight- which finally reached by six weeks or so. Now he's weighing in at about 28 lbs or so. I wish I could tell you more accurately but you try getting him to stand still on the bathroom scale long enough for it to read anything but "ERR"! Needless to say- my back aches on his clingier days and I don't think I'm the only one out there with a sore back... am I?

So what does our "Lean Mommy" author and fitness guru, Lisa Druxman, have to say about how to alleviate post-pregnancy back pain? She recommends safe lifting practices for everyday activities such as nursing and picking up baby and all of his/her gear. This means that when you are breastfeeding you should bring your baby to your breast and not the other way around. When picking up baby and all of their gear make sure you bend your knees and lift with your legs instead of your back.

Lisa also recommends exercises to strengthen your core (abs and back muscles) and keep your torso strong and stable. Here are a few that you can try at home:
1. Supermoms: lie face-down on your stomach with your legs straight and arms out overhead, tighten glutes and raise thighs and upper arms and inch or two off floor, hold, lower, and repeat

2. Plank: Lie on your stomach with legs extended and prop yourself up on your forearms, pull in abs away from floor to engage muscles in entire torso, raise hips and then knees off floor until you are up on your toes with your body forming a straight line from head to toe. Make sure your hips neither sag nor stick up in the air, breathe normally, hold, rest, and repeat!

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